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Celebrating 120 Years in the Ministry
And We need YOU to make the celebration complete!
We are developing a 120th Anniversary Pictorial Journal to recognize this time in the life of our church with LifeTouch and Lexi Smith Photography.
The directory will contain a history of the church, pictures of all of the officers, ministries and most of all, every member/family of our church family. The Pictorial Journal will also provide each family with a way to pray specifically for each church member.
Each member family who participates in getting their portrait taken will receive a FREE 8x10 Portrait and a directory. Additional portraits can be purchased.
You will be able to make your appointment on line or in the back of the church beginning Mid May.
Individual & Family Portraits will be taken on the following days.
To schedule your appointments for our 120th Anniversary Pictorial Directory click the link below:

120th Anniversary Pictorial Journal