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Celebrating 120 Years in the Ministry

And We need YOU to make the celebration complete!


We are developing a 120th Anniversary Pictorial Journal to recognize this time in the life of our church with LifeTouch and Lexi Smith Photography.


The directory will contain a history of the church, pictures of all of the officers, ministries and most of all, every member/family of our church family.  The Pictorial Journal will also provide each family with a way to pray specifically for each church member.


Each member family who participates in getting their portrait taken will receive a FREE 8x10 Portrait and a directory.  Additional portraits can be purchased. 


You will be able to make your appointment on line or in the back of the church beginning Mid May.


Individual & Family Portraits will be taken on the following days.


To schedule your appointments for our 120th Anniversary Pictorial Directory click the link below:



120th Anniversary Pictorial Journal

We need you to provide us with your most current address and telephone number so that we can begin the process of updating records and developing an accurate Pictorial Journal. 
Please download the document below to submit your contact information in the offering basket or the wooden box in the Narthex.



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